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AFRICA WENGE Wenge wood has excellent strength and hardness properties, and come in shades dark enough to be used as a substitute for ebony wood. Heartwood is medium brown, sometimes with a reddish or yellowish hue, with streaks that are almost black. The grain is straight, with a very coarse texture. DISTRIBUTIONFound in Central Africa. […]

German Beech

EUROPE GERMAN BEECH Widely-used hardwood in Europe for its hardness, wear-resistance, strength, excellent bending capabilities and low prices make this hardwood a mainstay for many European woodworkers. Depending on soil conditions, German Beech can grow to very large sizes, and wide, long lumber is commonly available for use. DISTRIBUTION Found throughout the forests of Europe. […]

Honey Maple

AMERICA HONEY MAPLE Unlike most other hardwoods, the sapwood of maple lumber is most commonly used rather than its heartwood. Sapwood color ranges from almost white, to a light golden or reddish brown, while the heartwood is a darker reddish brown. Grain is generally straight, but may be wavy. Has a fine, even texture. The […]

Burmese Mahogany

ASIA BURMESE MAHOGANY Burmese Mahogany is a handsome wood representing the true beauty of mahogany. Colour varies from golden brown to reddish brown, turning darker on exposure. Generally free from knots and blemishes. The grains are interlocked, producing narrow regular stripes or rosy figures on quarter sawn faces. Moderately fine and even texture. DISTRIBUTION The […]

American Walnut

AMERICA AMERICAN WALNUT American Walnut is popular among woodworkers in the United States, as its cooperative working characteristics, coupled with its rich brown coloration puts the wood in a class by itself among temperate-zone hardwoods. Heartwood can range from a lighter pale brown to a dark chocolate brown with darker brown streaks. Color can sometimes […]

Carbonized Vertical Bamboo

CHINA CARBONIZED VERTICAL BAMBOO Carbonised Vertical Bamboo is a new environmental-friendly, low-carbon emission material which is becoming the preferred solution to the current environmental evolution. Bamboo with its natural beautiful grain, as well as fine physical and mechanical properties, is comparable to high-density hardwood timber. DISTRIBUTION Bamboos are chosen from FSC certified forest and carefully […]


EUROPE THERMO PINE A beautiful, sustainable wood material produced by using heat and steam. This thermal modification improves the wood’s properties, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. This wood comes in a beautiful shade of brown that display attractive, tight grain figuring with an abundance of live round and splay knots. It […]

Hard Maple

AMERICA HARD MAPLE A characteristic feature in the hard maples is bird’s-eye figure which usually appears as attractive patterns on veneer manufactured from the species. Flecks caused by inserts may also be present in the wood. Figured boards are reported to be often culled during grading and sold at premium. DISTRIBUTIONThe most commercially important maple […]

White Oak

AMERICA WHITE OAK The heartwood can vary in colour from light tan or pale yellow-brown to dark or pale brown, and can have a pinkish tint. The wood usually has a straight, open grain and its medium to course in texture. It has longer rays than red oak, and therefore displays more figures, which can […]


AFRICA SATIN WOOD (Afrormosia) Satin wood grain varies from straight to interlocked, which produces a rope-striped figure on quartered surfaces. The texture is moderately fine but without the oiliness of Teak. The wood is liable to blue mineral stains if it comes into contact with iron or iron compounds in damp conditions because of its […]

S. Mahogany

AFRICA S. MAHOGANY The heartwood matures to a red-brown or purple-brown colour. The wood has a high and golden lustre. Quarter sawn Mahogany is reported to yield a ribbon, regular strip or bee’s wing. DISTRIBUTIONThe geographical range of Mahogany D’or is reported to extend from the Ivory Coast to the Cameroon, eastward through Zaire to […]

Green Heart

AFRICA GREEN HEART The heartwood is initially yellow to golden brown in colour, usually with a slight greenish cast. Upon exposure, the colour matures to reddish-brown. Grain is reported to be very irregular and closely interlocked, producing attractive and lustrous stripes. DISTRIBUTIONNative to West Africa, the species is reported to be common in the rainforests, […]